Nap time

12 Pins
Cookies with a number 1-10 on the front, and the corresponding number of dots on the back. Children can match a chocolate chip to each of the dots while counting (one-to-one correspondence)
Lavender Cloud Dough
Calming Lavender cloud dough- sensory play to help sooth and calm little ones before bed or during frustrating or tough times of the day.
43 Quiet Time Activities for 2 Year Olds - How Wee Learn
Quiet activities for two year olds - foam button sticks
Sparkle Bottles
A fun project and the effect is mesmerizing. You can use these as calm down distractions for tantrauming toddlers, as a quiet time activity in waiting rooms, at church or in the car. Easy to make and amazing to watch, you'll want one for yourself.
How To Make 20 Busy Bags For Only $5 - sarainshanghai
Activities for your Preschooler's Quiet Time - elizabeth clare
Ideas for keeping preschoolers and non-nappers busy during nap time or quiet time.
2011 New Classroom Ideas
cute idea for preschool classroom- quiet spray ... So do i spray it on their face when they wont be quiet? LOL!!!
Fun activities that will keep toddlers quietly occupied
Fun activities that will keep toddlers quietly occupied
Easy DIY Glowing Sensory Bottle for Bedtime
It can be hard for kids to decompress or calm-down for bedtime. We have a collection of Go-to Sleep activities that are perfect for kids growing out of afternoon naps, but who still need some “down time” activities, but we don’t have something for bedtime. Bedtime is not the time for play, for toys, …
Make Your Own Sponge Blocks - Inner Child Fun
Quiet time activity -- sponge blocks (would be great for kids who don't sleep at naptime)
Pipe Cleaner Quiet Time Container {I used an empty Gerber Baby Puffs container and punched some holes in it. I'm hoping this will keep Bree busy when she wakes up from her nap!} #toddlerbusytime #toddlerplay #toddlerfun #toddleractivity #toddleractivities #toddlertime #busytime