Lady of the Lake

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WALTER CRANE – Fairies at the christening, 1875 Wood engraving
Vivian, the Lady of the Lady in the Arthurian Romances
VIVIAN is one of the many names of the "Lady of the Lake" in the Arthurian legends. "Lady of the Lake" may have been a title that was applied to a priestess. Or it may represent memories of a Celtic lake Goddess or fairy. She is also Nimue of the sacred groves and one of the four queens who bore Arthur away to the Isle of Avalon after he was mortally wounded. Her realm is Fate and the land of the dead or Otherworld. (read more:
Lady of the Lake
lady of the lake Speed, Lancelot (1860-1931), "The Lady of the Lake" from: The Legends of King Arthur and His Knights . 9th edition. Ed. Sir James Knowles, K. C. V. O. London; New York: Frederick Warne and Co., 1912 | The Largest Online Store for Cool Posters, Affordable Wall Art Prints & Framed Canvas Paintings on Sale
King Arthur Asks The Lady Of The Lake For The Sword Excalibur by Walter Crane
“The Lady of the Lake” Page illustration by Alberto Sangorski from "Morte D’Arthur" by Alfred, Lord Tennyson
"Best of all is it to preserve everything in a pure, still heart, and let there be for every pulse a thanksgiving, and for every breath a song." -Konrad von Gesner Image credit: "March Angel' By Igor Oleynikov
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The Lady of the Lake is usually referred to by various spellings of the names Nimue or Vivienne. Nimue is thought to be related to Mneme, the shortened form of Mnemosyne, one of the nine water-nymph Muses of Roman and Greek Mythology who gave weapons, not unlike Arthur's sword, to the heroic Perseus.
oldbookillustrations: Front cover from The lady of the lake, by Walter Scott, illustrated by Charles Edmund Brock. London, 1904. (Source:
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"Lady of the Lake " © 1978 by Alan Lee
Organic Eloquence - A Poetry Collection - Organic Eloquence - A Poetry Collection
Antonio Mora - "la dame del lago", (The Lady of the Lake).