7 DC Comics Video Games We Want to See

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Catwoman. Poison Ivy. Harley Quinn. Three of DC Comics’ heavy-hitters working together. Seeing Catwoman and Ivy spar during Arkham City was lots of fun, and the Gotham City Sirens game would allow for more of that great interplay – only with Harley thrown into the mix. The Gotham City Sirens comic series might have been fairly short-lived, but it has its fans and delivered a fresh take on Gotham’s most well-known villains / heroines.
Wonder Woman might have featured in a decent number of video games, but she’s yet to star in a solo title. Given her current boost in popularity, courtesy of Patty Jenkins’ hit movie, surely it’s only a matter of time before she graces consoles in a big-budget game.
Catwoman’s a joy to play as, when done right. Her solo sections really helped to make Arkham City a classic, while playing as her in Arkham Knight and Injustice was plenty of fun too.
Superman video games tend to be restricted to Metropolis, which makes sense given that he lives and works there.