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October is ‪#‎NationalChemistryMonth‬ and CRC Press is offering you a chance to win 1 of 3 books below! Follow this link for contest entry and rules:
The Billionaire's Chef: Cooking for the Rich and Famished
From cooking for Martha Stewart to reclusive billionaires, Chef Neal Salisbury has been serving the world's power elite for 15 years. This book takes readers on the most honest journey into the ultra-private world of working for, living and travelling with the world's billionaires of today. It offers tips and techniques on cooking in this rarified life, interspersed with vignettes and pictures of this lifestyle.
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics
NEW EDITION - Publishing June 2014. CRC Handbook of #Chemistry and #Physics, 95th Edition by William M. Haynes - #CRCPress #Book
Congrats to Alia Khalidi, #CRCPress Freshman Chemistry Achievement Award!
McPherson College
McPherson College
Laura Markley, a junior from Preston majoring in environmental earth science with a concentration in sustainable energy studies, has been named the recipient of the 2012 #CRCPress Chemistry Achievement Award. The CRC Press Chemistry Achievement Award is sponsored by the CRC Press, and includes a commemorative scroll and a copy of the "CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics."