Eu sou Beta

61 Pins
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Resultado de imagem para "tim beta pinterest"
Star Wars - beautiful saber forms from all six movies. Love the lunge formation combo that Luke does in Ep. Six. Beautiful technique.
This Seems Familiar by CalSparrow on DeviantArt
The Clone Wars is my new obsession and when I thought of this, I had no choice but to draw it xD Maybe more will happen cause the armor is actually really easy to gesture draw and all my favorite c...
ARC trooper Ghost by SmacksArt on DeviantArt
Since I did that first stormtrooper, I've been comprising a PSD for myself to use as a sort of reference for the different Stormtrooper Corps variants. This PSD was also to be used by my friends to... Cosplay Costumes - Novelty & More: Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry
Absolutely perfect!
beta labs
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