
Decor and style tips, organization ideas, and cleaning routines
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a baby crib with the words dream big painted on it's wall next to a teddy bear
Painting A Night Sky Mural
This night sky mural makes such a gorgeous focal wall in the nursery. It cost less than ten dollars to make and with this detailed tutorial, anyone can do it!
an empty room with a blackboard on the wall
Painting A Night Sky Mural
This night sky mural makes such a gorgeous focal wall in the nursery. It cost less than ten dollars to make and with this detailed tutorial, anyone can do it!
a room with a tree painted on the wall
Decorating Ideas
an open pantry with lots of food on the shelves and bowls, pans, and other items
Google Image Result for https://static.wixstatic.com/media/a9e827_4abce1f4b3e440669f95b60df6f3cc0c~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_1000,h_1333,al_c,q_90,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/a9e827_4abce1f4b3e440669f95b60df6f3cc0c~mv2.jpg
a living room filled with furniture and a large window covered in red drapes next to a lamp
Google Image Result for https://i.pinimg.com/originals/0a/81/78/0a8178c4792e25e294a850cab55539ae.jpg
how to clean a microfiber sofa
How to clean microfiber with professional results -
How to clean microfiber with professional results - Classy Clutter
a woman in green shirt with the words handy dustin tips
10 Handy Dusting Tips! Easy & Quick Ways How to Dust Your Home (Clean My Space)
How to Dust Your Entire House: 13 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow
a bedroom decorated in green and yellow with potted plants on the side table next to the bed
House Passion
binnenkijken bij _joyceselina_ #HomeDecorIdeasCute
ferns growing in pots with text overlay how to grow and care for ferns
How to Grow and Care for Ferns | Gardener’s Path
There’s nothing more beautiful than a nice fern whether planted in among a landscape feature on in a hanging basket. As one of the oldest living types of plants, you’ll find that ferns are fairly easy to grow but you should dive into some of their peculiarities before getting started. Read our complete growing guide on Gardener’s Path and find out what you need to know. #ferns #tropicalplants #landscaping #gardenerspath.