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A study inspiration blog! 👓
elvindantes: THE POMODORO TECHNIQUE Here’s one way to organize your time and workflow to get the most out of your workday and get things done without killing yourself.
50 Insanely Useful Websites College Students Need To Know - Society19
50 Insanely Useful Websites College Students Need To Know – SOCIETY19
The Best Music To Listen To While Studying
The Best Music To Listen To While Studying Not only are you benefiting from listening to music while studying, researchers have also found that there are great benefits to listening to music before studying or performing a task. These benefits include improving memory, attention and even mental math ability. It can also ease anxiety and depression. With school already back in session there is no doubt that many of us will need to take advantage of these benefits.
How to Successfully Ask for a Letter of Recommendation
Are you looking to ask a professor for a letter of recommendation soon? Never fear because we have a step-by-step process on how to ask for and obtain an LOR!
26 Time Management Hacks I Wish I'd Known At 20
this is such a HUGE issue for Middle School & High School students... if it's not taken care of during these years, it'll hurt in their post-secodary ed/careers!
Comprehensive Work Management Software | Scoro
Daily Time Management of Extremely Productive People [Infographic]
10 Powerful Habits of Ultra Successful People - LifeHack
10 Powerful Habits of Ultra Successful People
How to be Focused
You have to focus to study well. Check out this zen-like flow chart to see how to improve your focus.
45 Tips for Staying Organized in College
45 Tips for Staying Organized in College - Sara Laughed
Amino Acid Chart MCAT Cheat Sheet Study Guide
MCAT Amino Acid Chart - Study Guide Cheat Sheet for the Biology/Biochemistry section on the MCAT. Includes structure, variable groups, hydrophobic/hyrophilic acidic and basic groups
5 Tips against Procrastination #Infographic
5 Tips against Procrastination #Infographic #TimeMangement