
13 Pins
Leave the Drones to Tesla - Yanko Design
Did you know that Nikola Tesla patented a drone before there were drones?! Over 100 years ago he called these imagined vessels as being used to
Passenger Drone - Robert Kovacs
Lockheed Martin revela conceito de avião-tanque 'stealth' - Poder Aéreo – Aviação, Forças Aéreas, Indústria Aeroespacial e de Defesa
A Lockheed Martin revelou seu conceito de aviões-tanque da próxima geração para reabastecer caças como o F-22 e o F-35. As imagens foram divulgadas por Graham Warwick, editor da Aviation Week. O conceito de novos aviões-tanque stealth foi exibido pela primeira vez no fórum AIAA SciTech 2017. A Lockheed já iniciou testes de túnel de
Drone Double-Time - Yanko Design
The 'FLYCAT' features four small rotors to take off and land and one big engine to fly through the sky, in combination with biplane-style wings, making it capable of reaching high speeds with impressive stability, unlike other quadcopters that have sacri
Tesla Inspired Electric VTOL Aircraft Tap the link for an awesome selection of drones and accessories to start flying right away. Take flight today with a new hobby! Always Free Shipping Worldwide! - Get your first quadcopter yet? If not, TOP Rated Quadcopters has great Beginner Drones, Racing Drones and Aerial Drones that fit any budget. Visit Us Today! >>>
Move Over Uber! - Yanko Design
Sky2Go Represents the future of ride-sharing, this drone concept applies the Mercedes Benz design language to put passengers in the lap of luxury as they travel. The autonomous system makes it possible to pick up and drop off at precise locations and shortens travel distance and commuting time by avoiding busy roadways.