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The Flight of the Utes
This delegation of Ute leaders traveled to Washington, D.C., in 1905 to register dissatisfaction with the government’s recent imposition of the allotment system without their consent, depriving them of most of the land on their reservation.
Rosebud Reservation Indians. Carpenter, C. H. Tilton, W.G. Back row, l-r: Unidentified, One Star, Charges Twice, 2 unidentified men, Tall Crane, 3 unidentified men, Singing Goose, Chief Yellow Hair, last in line is unidentified and the man in non-Indian costume. Seated: Susie Thunder Hawk is on far left; Mrs One Star is seated fourth from the right; all other Indians unidentified. Louisiana Purchase Exposition (1904 : Saint Louis, Mo.).National Anthropological Archives. Smithsonian Institution.