Penny Dreadful ❤

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Alright kids, let's sit down and discuss... // Vanessa, Ethan, & Victor - Penny Dreadful
Eva Green with Josh Hartnett | 'Penny Dreadful' S2E7 "Little Scorpion"
Reeve Carney would make a sexy Morpheus, and *bonus!* he has a beautiful singing voice for lullabies. ;) Check out this video for a sample:
"Your hands want to touch, but your head wants to appraise. Your heart is torn between the two. You were skeptical because you thought this was going to be a wasted evening…. but now you’re not so sure."
The East End in TV and Films | The East End
It is the kind of show that has actors play they part epic-ly and so perfect that make you just speechless, and give you lots of goosebumps.
Josh Hartnett (Ethan Chandler), Billie Piper (Lily), Harry Treadaway (Victor Frankenstein) and Eva Green (Vanessa Ives) in 'Penny Dreadful'. The series' costumes are designed by Gabriella Pescucci.
Penny Dreadful
farfarawaysite: Mise à jour du site: Penny Dreadful - Episode 106 supplémentaires HQ Untagged x8 Stills S'il vous plaît reblog. Pour retourner à la galerie si vous utilisez pour republier ou modifications.
Vanessa Ives (Eva Green). #PennyDreadful
Eva Green in ‘Penny Dreadful’ (2014). x
The Enchanted Garden - Eva Green as Vanessa Ives in Penny Dreadful (TV...
Eva Green as Vanessa Ives in Penny Dreadful (TV Series, 2014).