
17 Pins
Noir et Blanc
A lot of people think that this is a baby owl, but it is actually an adult. It's just a small species.
Dave Hunt Photography
Tawny Owl (Strix Aluco) by Dave Hunt Photography
Fixe Peixe (Peixefixe)
se nunca correres o risco de perder nunca terás a oportunidade de ganhar
Artes da Cris Arruda
a-garota-de-capa-vermelha: Hypnotic gaze…
EyeKandy Handmade Jewelry
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Snowy owl in the snowfall. - by Fokussierte Augenblicke
Old, but gold
So cute! Look at those lovely downy feathers...
Download Wallpaper 1080x1920 Owl, Bird, Beak, Predator Sony Xperia Z1, ZL, Z, Samsung Galaxy S4, HTC One HD Background
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