
73 Pins
Movement Screen (We Have Used) - Complementary Training
Movement Screen [We Have Used] I know that the FMS (Functional Movement Screen) is all the rage lately ~ without going into the nuances of it, I consider it a simple tool in your toolbox. The problems emerge when someone tries to use the tool designed to identify/fix one area of problems to other area of problems (“When the only…
Get Ready for Full Throttle: The Cal Poly Hip Flow - Breaking Muscle
Get Ready for Full Throttle: The Cal Poly Hip Flow | Breaking Muscle
How to Improve Posture? Posture Exercises to Correct Bad Posture.
Lumbar Lordosis, Thoracic Kyphosis and other postures
Standing Wall Clock with Maryann Berry
Elbow Pain: Walking Clock
Impingement No More: Study Outlines 6 Week Protocol That Reduces, in 15% of the Cases Even Resolves Shoulder Pain
Impingement No More: Study Outlines 6 Week Protocol That Reduces, in 15% of the Cases Even Resolves Shoulder Pain - SuppVersity: Nutrition and Exercise Science for Everyone
3 Yoga Poses for Tight, Rounded Shoulders - Peanut Butter Runner
Unlocking tight shoulders and chests are something that I focus on constantly with my yoga students, CrossFitters and training clients. Rounded shoulders and tight chest muscles have become the nor...
Power Up Your Core With the Resisted Quadruped Rock - Breaking Muscle
fascia, thoracolumbar fascia, TFL, core, core strength
Analyzing Simple Movement Screens
Heel Elev