Blood Type Diet

“The BTD was made popular by Dr. Peter D'Adamo in 1996. He proposed that there are optimal foods to eat for each blood type, which are based on their ancestors. That said, there is little research to support the benefits he claims.” -Medically reviewed by Megan Soliman, MD — By Joe Leech, MS
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Plate Pros on Instagram: "Understanding your blood type is crucial for personalized health and wellness! 🅰️🅱️🆎🅾️ Discover how knowing your blood type can optimize your nutrition, lifestyle, and overall well-being. 🌟 Follow us for more expert insights, comment your blood type below, and share this post with a friend who needs to know their blood type! Dive deeper with our FREE Blood Type Diet book. Click the link in bio to grab your copy now. 📚💡 #KnowYourBloodType #PersonalizedHealth #ShareWithAFriend"
Diets for Blood Type AB Positive |
Diets for Blood Type AB Positive |
Is the Probiotic Diet for Blood Type Bs?
If you have Blood Type B and would like to reduce your likelihood of depression, insulin resistance, hypothyroidism, leaky gut, UTIs and sinus infections by eating foods according to your blood type, then you may want to try the Blood Type B Diet. BTBs have 50,000 times more strains of friendly bacteria than either Type O or A individuals and benefit from probiotic foods for balance. Read this article for the list of foods you must eat and avoid. #bloodtypeb #bloodtypediet #probiotics
Sample Blood Type Diet Chart in Illustrator, PDF - Download |
Free Sample Blood Type Diet Chart